Trailer park living

Trailer park living

My mom has lived in a Trailer Park for as long as I can recall. Growing up in that place was crazy as well as I don’t ever anticipate living like that again. Mom is great about maintaining her lot as well as her cabin however several in the place are not. I feel that

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Sister hearing a very loud noise coming from the a/c

Sister hearing a very loud noise coming from the a/c

When I was a kid I was always outside playing, however it did not matter if it was raining snowing or blazing hot, I always found a way to accommodate my activities to the weather, when it was sunny out I would be swimming and going to the community pool with my best friends. When

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Christmas list for my specialist partner

Christmas list for my specialist partner

Every year I struggle with what to get my partner for Christmas. He doesn’t have many hobbies and he works all the time, then i have purchased him every kind of thermos, supper box and even labor clothes I can suppose of so I asked him for particular things I could get to make his

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The benefits of a smart thermostat

The benefits of a smart thermostat

This week is a sunny day out there and we may close down our supplier a bit earlier than normal so all of the workers can get out and get some sun. It has been a actually gloomy winter time so far and some of the employees have been suffering from seasonal affective disorder, where

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Training to Be an HVAC Technician

Training to Be an HVAC Technician

My brother plus I are twins. My buddy and I may look truly similar however my friend and I are total opposites. As a boy when I was younger I was into Barbie dolls plus dress up. My brother on the other hand was into toy cars plus action figures. I remember when I was

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Dude ranch was more than my pal and I barearned for

Dude ranch was more than my pal and I barearned for

When the teenagers were on Summer split my pal and I wanted to take them someplace that would be a modern experience. My buddy and I had done the whole theme park thing, a week at the beach, as well as even camping at a local mountain resort. My buddy and I found a modern

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Aunt won’t turn off air conditioning system

Aunt won’t turn off air conditioning system

When my great friend and I opted to go to visit my aunt over the holidays I couldn’t help but notice that it got colder and colder the further north my great friend and I drove. I became absolutely grateful that I had packed up my winter jacket. I needed it during the drive. The

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Space heater keeps popping breaker

Space heater keeps popping breaker

I am one of those people who is always cold. No matter where I go, I am cold. Also, because I live alone, I always go to one of my relative’s houses over the holidays. I try to go to a different destination every year. I have relatives all over the country and doing this

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Suspicious of every air vent; surveillance

Suspicious of every air vent; surveillance

I might be the type of person that you would consider paranoid. If you have this judgment, I understand where it’s coming from. I can confess that I tend to go a bit overboard when it comes to keeping myself and my family safe. A lot of these problems come from news articles and television

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Having to typically control my control unit

Having to typically control my control unit

Living in an older cabin is not that great; A lot of people like living in the history of their cabin plus keeping all of the outdated entities that come along with it… However I am just the opposite! I am living in this cabin until I get another job! This cabin is legitimately cheap

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cooling system replacement in your home

cooling system replacement in your home

Springtime will be coming again soon as the winter time rolls over into Summer and time keeps pushing ahead. Time is a funny thing isn’t it? Some afternoons it can feel like time has almost stopped while other afternoons it seems like we never have enough of it. My friend and I try to measure

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Forgetting to turn off the AC

Forgetting to turn off the AC

I have been so excited thinking about my vacation. I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about a trip in my entire life. We are going to a tropical place with crystal clear waters and a lot to do after a very long year. We are looking forward to the trip because there’s a

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I wasn't prepared for the breakdown

I wasn't prepared for the breakdown

Neither of us are very happy about having to spend the money to have the heating system repaired I’ve had an heating system that has been working well for quite a while so when it broke down on me last night I was really surprised. I still remember it like it was yesterday, because it

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A positive response to a disadvantage review

A positive response to a disadvantage review

I have to say for the first five years our contractor was thriving however then it took a sudden turn for the worse. My friend and I began experiencing clients canceling appointments & my associate and I were having difficulty attracting current ones, and at first my associate and I decided that it had to

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Stressful being the Heating and A/C PC operator

Stressful being the Heating and A/C PC operator

When I was growing up I always thought of severely stressful tasks being in professional industries. Of course, when you get specialized you have a lot of additional pressure on you. I always imagined that being a lawyer or doctor was the hardest option of all. I could not imagine being in a circumstance where

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I Took The Time To Schedule The Best HVAC Company

I Took The Time To Schedule The Best HVAC Company

After I moved into a new home, I set out to find the perfect HVAC company to take care of my furnace and air conditioner. The house I purchased already had an energy efficient HVAC system and it was only 5 years old. It was important for me to continue taking care of the HVAC

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Base housing and HVAC systems.

Base housing and HVAC systems.

And then there were the thermostats. Growing up, my father was in the Army so we moved around a lot. It seemed like we never stayed in one place for more than a year. Every base was different and so were the houses we lived in. Most of the time we just lived in base

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Need for cool air in a confined space

Need for cool air in a confined space

I work in the basement area of a building where there are no windows. This has some benefits but a lot of disadvantages. One of the benefits is that the space is not subjected to the foot traffic that the upper offices see because we have rooms like maintenance, long term storage, and utility offices.

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Leaks in the shower was an straight-forward fix

Leaks in the shower was an straight-forward fix

For a long time my shower head was leaking; I couldn’t get to the root of the problem. I am not an experienced plumber in any way however. I basically did some cleaning, youtube videos, as well as asked google. I provided up the pretty spoon. I then threw in the towel as well as

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The benefits of a smart thermostat

The benefits of a smart thermostat

Today is a sunny day out there and we may close down our company a bit earlier than normal so all of the workers can get out and get some sun. It has been a very gloomy winter so far and some of the employees have been suffering from seasonal affective disorder, where they get

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Suspicious of every air vent; surveillance

Suspicious of every air vent; surveillance

I might be the type of person that you would consider paranoid. If you have this judgment, I understand where it’s coming from. I can admit that I tend to go a bit overboard when it comes to keeping myself and my family safe. A lot of these concerns come from news articles and TV

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Some like it hot!

Some like it hot!

Have you ever met someone plus you were instantaneously envious of their lifestyle? This was absolutely the case at a get-together I attended last weekwhen I met my friends roommate plus he was telling us about all of the exotic sites he has traveled to. As he was speaking, I was fascinated by the fact

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Some like it hot!

Some like it hot!

Have you ever met someone and you were immediately envious of their lifestyle? This was absolutely the case at a celebration I attended last weekwhen I met my friends roommate and she was telling us about all of the exotic locales she has traveled to. As she was speaking, I was fascinated by the fact

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Easter holiday as a reminder to get Heating and A/C took care of

Easter holiday as a reminder to get Heating and A/C took care of

Springtime is almost here! And the Easter holiday is right around the corner, but easter is a large relief for all of us who live in the northeast because it’s a clear sign that warmer weather is coming, however we have such long winters in the northeast that it drags on and sometimes I get

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Some of our best friends just gave us a nice heater

Some of our best friends just gave us a nice heater

I do not know what I would do in life without good friends. Although I love my family dearly, there are times when having a friend outside of the family is really nice. My husband and I met a couple at church a few months ago, and we sort of just hit it off right

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They Wasted My Time

They Wasted My Time

I’m a particularly impatient person, which a lot of people would say is one of my worst qualities. I’d agree with them most of the time, but there are some good things that come from being impatient. For example, my time management is exceptional. I have no concern juggling multiple responsibilities because I know exactly

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Working as a local corporation

Working as a local corporation

Running a business overseas has proven to be quite a challenge over the years, however somehow our supplier is thriving and my pal and I have a lot of hope for the future. There were many hurdles to overcome and many mountains to climb, however with a lot of difficult work, and some tears, our

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From Window Units to a Full A/C System: From Rags to Riches

From Window Units to a Full A/C System: From Rags to Riches

When I was in college, I lived in a home built in the 1920s. My landlord, a sweet woman in her 80s, had lived in the house as a child, before it even had window air conditioning units. I had no idea how she had survived in that house in the summer. In our hot

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Burned out Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C unit

Burned out Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C unit

I can’t know the luck I have had lately. First, my mom called in addition to told me that the family was moving in addition to I only had a few weeks to get my stuff out of the house, then, my girlfriend told me that my superb friend and I were through. Life has

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My child threw a toy at my dehumidifier as well as broke it

My child threw a toy at my dehumidifier as well as broke it

Being a mom is so much fun. I used to be a actually tied up out person, but surprisingly enough, being a mom has made me so much more calm than what I used to be. Most people say that parenting makes them more tied up because of the wait of responsibility, as well as

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HVAC maintenance program is a gem

HVAC maintenance program is a gem

It’s so weird how I tend to just immediately tune out when a store or service wants to tell me about their latest offer. In my brain, all I’m hearing is upsell so I tend to just tune out and say no thanks. I did just that last spring when I called to make the

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I am finally getting underfloor heating

I am finally getting underfloor heating

My husbandy has finally agreed to let me have underfloor heating installed in the house. I have wanted underfloor heating for a few decades now. My associate and I were all set to get it done right after we bought the house. But then I found out we were expecting our first child plus we

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Nowhere to go, but nowhere to stay… AC breaks down

Nowhere to go, but nowhere to stay… AC breaks down

That’s when I realized I had no where I could go for indoor air temperature control Things couldn’t be more hard in my life right now. Not only am I in between tasks and upset about the threat of my financial insecurity. However, it seems like things keep going wrong around every corner recently. It

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Can’t get over him when allergy commercials never end

Can’t get over him when allergy commercials never end

If you know me at all you know that I’m an harshly emotional human being… No matter what the topic is, I am likely to have a lot of feelings about it, however i can be legitimately empathetic and compassionate for other humans and living beings, then this legitimately causes me to have a lot

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Training to Be an Heating & A/C Technician

Training to Be an Heating & A/C Technician

My brother plus I are twins. My associate and I may look entirely similar however we are total opposites. As a girl when I was younger I was into Barbie dolls plus dress up. My brother on the other hand was into toy cars plus action figures. I remember when I was younger getting upset

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