air conditioning stopped laboring on Thanksgiving afternoon

air conditioning stopped laboring on Thanksgiving afternoon

I decided to host Thanksgiving at my house for the first time ever last year. I usually go to a family member’s home. I am used to helping the host prepare the meal for Thanksgiving, however this was my first time being the actual host. I had twenty family members at my home. I live

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What’s included in a season tune up

What’s included in a season tune up

Just the other day I went out on a job that was about forty-five minutes from my office. I am a Heating in addition to A/C serviceman plus I went plus traveled a farther distance than normal to maintenance one of our customer’s Heating in addition to A/C system, then normally my friend and I

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Apparently dog was used to a better HVAC system than I have

Apparently dog was used to a better HVAC system than I have

When I contacted the critter shelter plus asked if she was consistently afraid of the central heating plus cooling system, they told me she loves their indoor air handling devices For multiple months I’ve been thinking about being an critter foster. Since I’ve been at cabin during the entire quarantine, it seems like an easy

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A positive response to a disadvantage review

A positive response to a disadvantage review

I have to say for the first five years our contractor was thriving however then it took a sudden turn for the worse. My friend and I began experiencing clients canceling appointments & my associate and I were having difficulty attracting current ones, and at first my associate and I decided that it had to

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Space boiler in the lavatory

Space boiler in the lavatory

One of the worst parts about winter season is having to take off all of your clothes and step into a cold, cement cave in order to maintain your annually hygiene! During the winter season months, one can usually believe that the lavatory will be the coldest at evening and to prepare by turning on

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How a cooling and heating system works

How a cooling and heating system works

The filtered air is then circulated back into the home through the ductwork and into the rooms It is the middle of the week and last night was probably the coldest night we have had this winter so far. The temp was about 10 degrees below zero and somehow I managed to leave my bedroom

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I lost the remote to my air conditioner

I lost the remote to my air conditioner

I love being married. I have the greatest husband in the world, and I still cannot get over the fact that I get to be his wife. We have been married for seventeen years now, and I love him more today than ever before. We are definitely not perfect as no one is, but we

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Owning an Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation and taking pride in it

Owning an Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation and taking pride in it

I’m not sure how any family corporation can be successful without putting in hardwork and tploy dedication to their vision. My family did just that by putting in hundreds of hours and making sacrifices to transferring our small corporation to what it is this week. My fantastic friend and I are in the heating and

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The benefits of a smart control unit

The benefits of a smart control unit

This week is a sunny morning out there and my pal and I may close down our supplier a bit earlier than normal so all of the workers can get out and get some sun. It has been a truly gloomy winter time so far and some of the employees have been suffering from seasonal

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Heating plus A/C supplier did not show up to my house

Heating plus A/C supplier did not show up to my house

Three nights went by plus he finally called me back! Keep in mind it was the summer, so I was legitimately tepid plus uncomfortable those three nights. I am not one who properly writes disadvantage reviews for businesses, however i usually only leave five star reviews when I have had an amazing service. I avoid

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Neglected maintenance results in flood

Neglected maintenance results in flood

I came household from work yupterday and saw water all over the floor in the hallway. I followed the stream of water into the laundry room. At first I thought that the washing component that was leaking so I called plumber. The plumber came out and informed me that the water was coming from the

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Geothermal heat pumps for the home

Geothermal heat pumps for the home

We all hope your year is going well as we pass through the first month of the year. Hopefully 2023 is a lot more fruitful than the past year as our supplier was actually having a strenuous time making ends meet from one month to the next over the past year. This year looks like

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Leaky shower was an easy fix

Leaky shower was an easy fix

For a long time my shower head was leaking. I couldn’t get to the root of the problem. I am not an experienced plumber in any way however. I basically did some cleaning, youtube videos, and asked google. I gave up the pretty spoon. I then threw in the towel and called a local plumber.

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Heat stopped working at Christmas get-together

Heat stopped working at Christmas get-together

When I used to live in the northeast, one of my friends hosted a Christmas get-together every year. My friend and I would dress up in pricey Christmas clothes, have Christmas themed cocktails plus food, plus listen to Christmas rock n roll. It was regularly a highlight of the holiday season because Christmas is my

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Moving was freezing with no heater

Moving was freezing with no heater

The further north my pal and I got, the colder it got. My fiance had the bright idea that my pal and I would transfer ourselves from the south to the north. I told him that my pal and I were too aged for such nonsense but he wouldn’t hear of it. I feel he

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Top notch AC for the dining room; if only they saw the dining room

Top notch AC for the dining room; if only they saw the dining room

It can be rather shocking toiling in the restaurant industry. I learned this the difficult way many years ago when I became a waitress at our local ice cream shop, then besides selling ice cream my associate and I also produced amazing cheeseburgers, sizzling pets, plus corn pets. Unblessedly, I could never eat any of

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I wasn't prepared for the breakdown

I wasn't prepared for the breakdown

I’ve had an boiler that has been working well for quite a while so when it broke down on me last night I was really surprised. I still remember it like it was last week, because it was last week. Anyways, last night I was having a enjoyable time sleeping in bed. It was one

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Solving hedgehog’s heating issues

Solving hedgehog’s heating issues

My pet hedgehog’s ceramic heater went out last evening. As an exotic animal, she has to stay warm or she could try to hibernate and die. It was too late in the evening to go the store and get another one because all the stores were closed. I was glad the heater went out earlier

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Trailer park living

Trailer park living

My Dad has lived in a Trailer Park for as long as I can recall. Growing up in that locale was crazy and I don’t ever anticipate living like that again. Dad is nice about maintaining her lot and her apartment however multiple in the locale are not. I think that they feel it is

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Training to Be an Heating & A/C Technician

Training to Be an Heating & A/C Technician

My brother plus I are twins. My associate and I may look entirely similar however we are total opposites. As a girl when I was younger I was into Barbie dolls plus dress up. My brother on the other hand was into toy cars plus action figures. I remember when I was younger getting upset

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When we were visiting down south, the temperature was super hot

When we were visiting down south, the temperature was super hot

When we were visiting down south, the temperature was super hot. I couldn’t stand it. I hate it whenever the weather gets really hot outside. I prefer for the temperature to be around 65 or 70 degrees. Anything cooler than that is too cool and anything warmer than that is too hot. At least that’s

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How a cooling and boiler works

How a cooling and boiler works

It is the middle of the week and last evening was entirely the coldest evening we have had this winter time so far. The temp was about 10 degrees below zero and somehow I managed to leave my dining room window open all evening and woke up with a sore throat. This was just a

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I had to tell him about tune ups

I had to tell him about tune ups

So why exactly are heating and AC tune-ups important? Well it’s pretty simple a heating and air conditioner are machines, obviously, and like with most machines they will break down over time if not maintained. The thing is your heating and AC system is responsible for your entire indoor comfort so you don’t want to

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A Homeowner Won’t Stop Calling Me About HVAC Issues

A Homeowner Won’t Stop Calling Me About HVAC Issues

As an HVAC technician, I communicate with a lot of different homeowners in the area about their heat and air concerns. For the most part, I only communicate with the client when they are scheduling their appointment and when I’m at their home working on the furnace or air conditioner. I love communicating with each

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My boiler needed a serious cleaning

My boiler needed a serious cleaning

I was entirely not super sheltered as a child, so I have always wondered why I am so naive as well as gullible. I know it is just my personality. I do not tend to feel things through which really makes it hard for me to get things done in a timely manner. I plan

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Maintenance plans with an Heating and Air Conditioning dealer

Maintenance plans with an Heating and Air Conditioning dealer

When it comes to investing my currency in big purchases I always make sure that there are warranties and that it comes with some kind of return of investment for me. Whether it is a extravagant tangible or intangible return of investment. I believe when purchasing fancy products such as cars, houses, etc. it’s substantial

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Commercial air conditioners

Commercial air conditioners

This week is a chilly one with the temps dropping down to the teens in most of the areas here. Our business is quite tied up with a lot of people needing help with the systems in their homes and offices. A lot of the businesses in neighborhood now are shut down for the winter

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New furnace in my car

New furnace in my car

I’ve been driving the same car for a week 12 years at this point… My parents got it for me right when I graduated from high college and it’s been a superb car for me, but i genuinely savor this car and I never imagined that I would have to get a new one, although

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My New A/C System Meets My Entertaining Needs

My New A/C System Meets My Entertaining Needs

I’m a natural-born entertainer; I love to host people in my home, feed them, and make them feel comfortable. One day, out of the blue, my air conditioning stopped working; lukewarm, humid air was blowing out of the vents, and no matter how low I turned the thermostat, the HVAC equipment just couldn’t cool down

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Duct sealing in the home

Duct sealing in the home

Summer will be here in no time and my pal and I will all be talking about how overheated it is outside. But for now, keeping warm is the main focus as my pal and I are in the middle of a truly frosty winter. Many people live separate from heat in their homes and

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Heating system not laboring during a snowstorm

Heating system not laboring during a snowstorm

When I was growing up, my family would travel to the northern states so my pal and I could see snow, each winter, my pal and I rented the same cabin. The weather in this region was honestly frosty in addition to there were a lot of snowstorms. One year while my pal and I

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Can’t get over him when allergy commercials never end

Can’t get over him when allergy commercials never end

He always had a new remedy in the form of a novel heating and cooling device or improved filtration system If you know me at all you know that I’m an extremely emotional human being. No matter what the topic is, I am likely to have a lot of feelings about it. I can be

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Husband has to fiddle with AC; electrocutes himself

Husband has to fiddle with AC; electrocutes himself

I am consistently trying to keep my partner away from our indoor air handling devices. There’s not much that I can do because she has an iron will power. No matter how often I try to deter him from touching any of our indoor appliances it seems like she is more determined to mess with

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