Worst sites for air conditioning to stop working

I personally have experienced many situations where the air conditioning rapidly stopped working in a locale where it should have been working.

I have experienced the air conditioning not working in my own home, in restaurants, at a wedding, in the middle of an ultrasound while pregnant, plus at a salon.

I live in the southeastern region of the country where the summers are harshly tepid plus humid, so air conditioning is necessary for indoor comfort. I decided to survey my friends plus family who also live here to see what they thought would be the worst locale possible for the air conditioning to stop working! My friends plus family questioned why I was doing this survey, plus I told them I was easily curious to hear their responses! After surveying many friends plus family members about the worst locale to have air conditioning stop working, I got a wide variety of responses. I will list the responses from the air conditioning survey from the most regular to least regular answer. The most regular response was in your cabin on the hottest morning of the year in the summer. I totally agree that it would be angry for the air conditioning to stop working in your cabin on the hottest morning of the summer time where my friend and I live, and opening the windows is not an choice to cool down in the summer time here. The second most regular answer was at work. I can also agree with this response because I have had this happen to me at work. There are many times the air conditioning stopped working in my classroom that has no windows. It was impossible to teach when I was boiling with no air conditioning.

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