I can remember long ago the time I killed and totally destroyed my window a/c.
- You see, I was trying to move it from one floor to another.
And while going down the stairs I lost my balance and dropped the window a/c! It literally crashed down the stairs and broke into a million pieces and it was game over! It was just good that I did not do the same thing and ended up killing myself falling down the stairs. It was a matter of the window a/c or the window a/c and me too. So of course, the window a/c is replaceable, so I knew I had to just let it fall down the stairs and break it into a million pieces. Thinking back on that incident from long ago made me realize how grateful I am to the world of heating and air conditioner technology this week. Today we have central heating and a/c units to take care of all the air conditioner so we do not even have to know about hauling window a/cs up and down the stairs anymore. It is a much better way of doing things all together. But I will never forget what happened that one time with the window a/c unit all those years ago. It particularly makes me enjoy central heating and a/c units this week more than ever before! And I particularly mean that for real!