Baby hearing a truly loud noise coming from the cooling system

When I was a kid I was constantly outside playing; It did not matter if it was raining snowing or blazing hot, I constantly found a way to accommodate my activities to the weather; When it was sunny out I would be swimming and going to the community pool with my best friends.

When it was snowing out my friends and I would make snow forts and have snowball fights… My child is just like me when I was her age… She is constantly outside playing with her friends and she is particularly active. I’m particularly glad that my child cares about to go outside and play because there are a lot of kids these afternoons that like to stay indoors and play video games. My child came running inside from playing outside. She told me that there was a monster outside and I needed to go out there. My child is a little dramatic and I knew that there was no monster outside. She showed me the origin of the noise and it was coming from the side of our apartment where the cooling system unit is! The air conditioning unit must have had something stuck in between the blades or something extremely had to be going on inside the air conditioning unit. I decided to call my local Heating as well as A/C specialist to see exactly what the concern was. It turns out that the loud noise was particularly serious. Since my apartment is seasoned and so is my Heating as well as A/C system, the A/C needed to be replaced. It was a good thing my child played outside that afternoon and told me the noise.

air quality