Every time that the air conditioning comes on, there is more of it coming out into the rooms where we live
There is a weird smell coming from the A/C in our house, and I don’t really know what it could be. I had the ductwork cleaned last year, but the people who did it weren’t really qualified to do it. Of course, I did not really know that until after the fact. I paid them and they went on their merry way and that’s when I realized that they were not even qualified to do it. I found out later on that I should have hired a local heating and cooling company to do the ductwork cleaning for me. I don’t know why I went with this other place besides the fact that they were just a lot cheaper. Now that I have thought about it more, I know that the indoor air quality in my house is not really something that I should be cheap about! The indoor air quality in our homes is super important to our health and to the health of our families, too. I have thought about it a lot, and I have finally decided that since this weird smell keeps showing up whenever the air conditioning system kicks on, there must be something weird growing inside of the ductwork. That really stresses me out, because I know that we are all breathing in whatever is up there. Every time that the air conditioning comes on, there is more of it coming out into the rooms where we live. That’s why I have decided that I’m going to call the HVAC company to make an appointment to get the ductwork cleaned professionally this time. I am also going to hire them to install a whole home air purification system at the same time.