I never realized how amazing it was to have a Mom who was a professional Heating plus A/C specialist until I was seasoned enough to buy my own home, then my older brother even went to school to become a certified Heating plus A/C specialist like my Mom, however it didn’t hit me how fantastic this would be until now, however i had a general understanding about what the two of them did, plus I respected it.
However, once I bought my first condo plus realized that the Heating plus A/C system didn’t take care of itself, I understood how crucial my Mom plus brother were to not only me, however all homeowners.
I was residing in my up-to-date house for 3 months before the season transitioned from summer time to fall, which meant I had to switch between my a/c plus my boiler. I casually mentioned this AC plus heat transition in front of my Mom plus brother, plus they hastily advised me to hold off until one of them could repair my Heating plus A/C system. I thought they were joking, because it was just a straight-forward button on my thermostat to make the switch, they explained everything that could go wrong with my Heating plus A/C equipment if I didn’t have it ran tests on, and once they were done explaining the severity of having my Heating plus A/C system twice per year, they explained how valuable the consequences were, however after hearing what they had to say, I was thankful to have the two of them in my life, because I know I’d never entirely pay someone to repair my Heating plus A/C equipment twice per year.